From left to right the late Harold Washington, former Mayor of Chicago; Walter G. Beach; and the late Henry Maier, former Mayor of Milwaukee.
“Recently, a selfless angel returned to his place by the Lord’s side. Walter G. Beach II passed away, leaving behind Pamela Beach Dixon and beloved family members.
Beach has been known for and will be remembered by his singularly compassionate and loving personality.
His desire to inspire action in his community members was clear in his campaign for sixth district Milwaukee Alderman.
As President of the Wisconsin NAACP branch, Beach activated the community.
Though passionate to bring great change to his city, he maintained positivity and a forward-looking outlook.
During his accomplished life, Beach was able to see the world and receive education in such beautiful destinations as Great Britain and other European countries.
Throughout his travels, he acquired a number of degrees in psychology, education, and even urban affairs.
For ages, Beach will remain a widely admired community servant, civil rights activist, and Milwaukee historian.
Funeral Arrangements are as follows: January 02, 2015 Visitation (wake) at Leon L. Williamson Funeral Home, 2157 N. 12Th St., Milwaukee, WI 53205 tele: (414-374-1812).
4-7 pm (family hour 6-7) January 03, 2015 Funeral Services at New Testament Church,10201 W. Bradley Rd. Milwaukee, WI.
Viewing 10-11am; Program starts at 11 am Burial held at Graceland Cemetery Milwaukee, WI
Repass will be held at New Testament Church Bradley Rd.