By Karen Stokes

Elmer C. (Andy) Anderson, Jr
Milwaukee lost a prominent and active member of the community. Elmer Anderson passed away on February 2. He was 92.
Elmer C. (Andy) Anderson, Jr, of Mequon, WI, Andy was born on November 19, 1930 in Excelsior, WV. He was preceded in death by his father, Elmer C. Anderson, Sr, his mother, Edythe Hyatt Anderson, and his brother, Robert Anderson.
Anderson made the most of his life. “Andy” as his many friends called him was an active participant in various community organizations, such as the Community Brainstorming Conference where he served as treasurer for a number of years.
“He was very involved in the community and he and other members wanted more young people involved in community activities,” his wife Marilyn said.
He served on the board of Inner City Redevelopment Corporation (ICRC), a non profit community development corporation that was committed to improving the quality of life for Milwaukee north side residents with accomplishments including Halyard Park and re-establishing Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive as a thriving regional business and community center.
Andy was employed by the Milwaukee Urban League as the Deputy Director, and held various management positions, including the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, and the Milwaukee Area Technical College. Anderson was a retired pharmacist, was also a Real Estate Broker, having owned his own company, and was a consultant to many.
“He loved all his friends, he really enjoyed talking to them and sharing ideas and sports,” said Marilyn.
Andy loved golfing and fishing with his friends and family.
“He and my father golfed a lot,” I tried to get Andy interested in fishing. One day I took him to the trout farm and he started catching trout, from then on he was hooked,” Marilyn said.
Andy is survived by his devoted wife of 52 years, Marilyn, son, Clinton, sisters, Debra Anderson-Conliffe (Greg), Institute, WV, & Marian Butler, (Kenny) Scott Depot, WV, niece, Keshia Anderson-Butler (Brittany) Pliny, WV, and God Daughter, Wendy Walker-Williams, Chicago, IL.
Andy will be cremated, and a memorial service will be announced at a later date with a full obituary.