By: Milwaukee Courier Staff

Chris Larson
We are in the middle of a truly unprecedented global pandemic that has broadly impacted the physical, social, and economic health of our community. With no immediate end in sight, it is the responsibility of our elected leaders at the federal, state, and local level to work with public health professionals and make the best decisions to guide us through this challenge.
Now more than ever, it is important that we have leaders we can trust in these important roles. Leaders who can be relied on to act in the best interest of the public, tell the truth, and communicate clearly about the situation we are facing.
Unfortunately, State Sen. Larson has demonstrated time and again that he cannot be trusted to do that.
Throughout his campaign for Milwaukee County Executive, Larson has deliberately lied to the public on a key plank of his campaign – campaign finance. Larson has consistently expressed outrage about ‘dark money’ spending in this race, but then turned around and gladly accepted massive ‘dark money’ spending that supported him.
This convenient reversal of conviction shows us that Larson is just in it for himself and will say or do whatever it takes to get elected. Chaotic times demand leaders who the public can trust, leaders who will be honest, and put our best interest first. Larson is not that sort of leader.
In a public health crisis, the accurate communication of key information can make or break the response. We have seen that firsthand in the delayed federal response caused by President Donald Trump’s original dismissal of the coronavirus. While ignoring pressing information has a clear negative impact, so too does providing inaccurate information.
Throughout his career in elected office, over 92% of Larson’s fact checked statements have been Mostly False, False, or Pants on Fire lies according to Politifact.
One of those false statements even provided inaccurate information about the status of coronavirus cases in Milwaukee – just like Trump.
Dealing with the coronavirus and its disproportionate impact on our community will be the most important immediate challenge of the next Milwaukee County Executive. Larson has already shown us that we can’t even trust him to give us accurate information, let alone lead us out of this crisis.
Families, businesses, community groups need trustworthy information to make decisions about their future health and well-being. How can we trust Larson to guide us through such a distressing moment for our community where our family members and friends are literally dying?
Fortunately, we have a better option to lead Milwaukee forward as our County Executive – State Rep. David Crowley. This paper has proudly endorsed Crowley because we know he will put politics aside and do what is right for the people of this community.
The choice couldn’t be clearer, we must elect David Crowley to be the next Milwaukee County Executive.