David Crowley
David Crowley is the only African American candidate in a four-way election for Milwaukee County Executive this coming Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020. If he finishes in the top two next week, Crowley will be one step closer to being the first African American elected County Executive in Milwaukee County, serving nearly one million people.
As a lifelong resident of this community, Crowley knows as well as anyone that Milwaukee County is truly a tale of two different counties. He has lived through many of the economic and racial struggles that residents in this community face every day. Growing up, Crowley’s family went through evictions, he saw family members suffer through mental illness and drug addictions, and he knows firsthand that Milwaukee County doesn’t always work for all of our residents.
Crowley is the only candidate in the race for Milwaukee County Executive that has shown a true understanding of the issues facing ALL of Milwaukee County, not just downtown and the East Side.
While Crowley has garnered endorsements from numerous black elected officials such as Rep. LaKeisha Meyers and Ald. Cavalier Johnson, he has also earned support from suburban leaders like Dan Devine and Kathy Ehley, the mayors of West Allis and Wauwatosa. He is the only candidate trying to bring people to the table from all across this community.
As a member of the State Assembly, Crowley is the ranking member on the Criminal Justice and Public Safety committee and sits on the Energy and Utilities, Workforce Development, Transportation, and State Affairs committees. He is the Chair of the Milwaukee Delegation, the Chair of the Black Caucus, and the Co-Chair of the Black and Latino Caucus. He also serves as a member of the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) Board of Directors.
Crowley has spent his entire adult life serving this community and has spent the last four years making sure that the nearly 60,000 of Milwaukee’s 17th Assembly District (right in the center of the city) have someone fighting for them every day in Madison.
Crowley has a proven record of working across the aisle to affect real change. This is something that we have been in desperate need of in Milwaukee County for almost two decades and something that no other candidate in this race can say. He’s not interested in political bickering, he’s interested in doing what’s right for the people of our community.
Crowley is a shining example of what young people of color in our community can do, and it’s on us to support him while he’s doing it. On Tuesday, we have an opportunity to move one step closer to making history and electing our first black Milwaukee County Executive.
David Crowley is from this community, has spent his life trying to give back to this community, and now he’s ready to lead this community into the future. On Tuesday, Feb. 18th, vote David Crowley for Milwaukee County Executive.
For more information about Crowley’s campaign, visit www.crowleyformke.com or email the campaign at info@crowleyformke.com. You can also visit him on social media at facebook.com/CrowleyforMKE, twitter.com/DavidCCrowley, and instagram.com/CrowleyforMKE.