David Crowley
MILWAUKEE – State Representative David Crowley today announced his candidacy for Milwaukee
County Executive.
“When I look at Milwaukee County, I see a lot of opportunity: we have some of the most beautiful
places to live in the country, a nationally recognized park system, and a thriving downtown area,”
said Rep. Crowley. “There are a lot of exciting things happening in our community, but just a few
miles away from all of this excitement, many of our residents are struggling.
“Growing up in a struggling family in Milwaukee County, I know what it’s like to be reliant on County
services and what that really means to people in our community,” continued Crowley. “Having spent
time working for the County, I also know what it’s like to provide these vital services to residents. I
believe these experiences uniquely qualify me for this office.”
Representative Crowley currently serves Wisconsin’s 17th Assembly District, representing almost
60,000 residents in the state legislature. As a member of the State Assembly, David sits on the
Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Small Business Development, Workforce Development,
Transportation, and Jobs and Economy Committees. He is a member of the Wisconsin Housing and
Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) Board of Directors, the Chair of the Milwaukee Caucus,
the Chair of the Black Caucus, and the Co-Chair of the Black and Latino Caucus.
“The next Milwaukee County Executive needs to be a uniter, someone who can close the gap
between our thriving and struggling communities, work across political lines, and connect working
people with our business community,” said Crowley. “As a legislator, I have built my reputation on
being a bridge builder, and I will do the same as County Executive.”
Representative Crowley is a member of numerous community organizations including the ACLU,
Milwaukee Urban League Young Professionals, and the Milwaukee NAACP.
Representative Crowley attended the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and currently lives in
Milwaukee with his wife, Ericka, and his two young daughters. David and Ericka are expecting their
third child this fall.
The non-partisan spring Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, February 18th. The General
Election will be on Tuesday, April 7th. For more information about David Crowley and his campaign
visit www.crowleyformke.com.