The winning team from the Boys and Girls Club show off their 1st place Black Knowledge Bowl trophies with SDC CEO Deborah Blanks and Tournament Director Todd Miller.
Milwaukee area youth got the chance to show how much they know about African American History at the 4th Annual SDC Black Knowledge Bowl. Teams of high school age youth gathered at Manpower Group Headquarters for the annual Black History tournament.
Young people got the opportunity to show their knowledge in the competition that tested them in a wide range of topics including Milwaukee and Wisconsin Black History, Industry and Education, Civil Rights, and Africa. A team of youth from the Boys and Girls Club edged out a team from Riverside High School for first place in the tournament.

Brad Bernard guided students on how to construct collages that illustrated different eras and aspects of Black History. (Photo by Robert A. Bell)
The young participants also took part in several cultural activities that focused on Black History. Marti Gobel of Uprooted Theater presented a moving dramatization of 500 years of African American History. The youth also worked with artists Jody Alexander and Brad Bernard to construct collages that illustrated different eras and aspects of Black History.
The Black Knowledge Bowl was coordinated by the Social Development Commission in partnership with Manpower Group, the Wisconsin Humanities Council, the Milwaukee Bucks, Sam’s Hope, Landmark Credit Union, Sprecher Brewery, the Blood Center of Wisconsin, Discovery World Museum, and Cousins Subs.