Kweku’s Korner
By Dr. Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi

Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi, formerly known as Ramel Smith
Everybody loves a good comeback story. The only problem is that for the comeback to happen, there needs to be some level of adversity, difficulty, or failure. When we lose, when we fall, do we stay down, or do we get up? Sometimes, it depends on the fall because all falls are not the same. In fact, some falls we can laugh at immediately.
As a young high school student, I had to catch the 62-bus route to 18th and Capitol. This was generally an easy walk to the bus stop to Rufus King High School… unless it was winter. The cold winters in Milwaukee can turn a 5-minute walk into a 15-minute Lewis and Clark expedition; especially when the snow turns into ice. This was the scariest and funniest march because we knew someone would fall. The only question was would they be hurt? If no one were hurt, we could laugh. After a person falls, the real question is would you be able to get up by yourself or would you need help?
This physical fall example informs us on how to deal with real-life falls. Sometimes, it can be a seemingly minor fall, like a bad grade, a flat tire, or losing a competition or game.
But how do we respond when the fall is much more critical to our day-to-day lives? How do we bounce back from the loss of a day job, a diagnosis, a divorce, or a death?
What are the Rules for Bouncing Back?
1. Take the 8 Count. When we have been hit with bad news, we have a visceral response to want to get up right away and move on as though nothing has happened. In some cases, this could be an effective strategy; but, in most cases, we need to stay still and gather ourselves and assess the situation for more danger. By moving too soon, we could make It worse.
2. Positive Mindset. Before getting up, one must decide they are ready and willing. That means we adopt an “I Can” attitude. The first step is believing that you will comeback and comeback even stronger.
3. PLAN. The axiom is true, “the one who fails to plan, plans to fail.” After summoning the will to comeback, we must create a solid plan with Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Focused. Rarely do plans come without hiccups, be prepared to adjust, and shift on the fly.
4. TEAM. Rarely can we accomplish our goals alone. It is imperative that we find a team that is competent and loyal. They must be as invested as you are, but not more than you, in your success.
Remember, everybody’s bounce back story is different. Do not compare or compete with another’s journey. Be prepared to suffer other setbacks, but you must remain steadfast on your mission. And, once you do comeback. Do not forget the lessons you learned to get back on top. Beloved, let them know a setback is the setup for a comeback. You can bounce back!!