A pamphlet with information on how to use a gun lock is placed near a Harm Reduction Vending Machine on the South Side. Residents can get gun locks for free from the machines. (Photo by Edgar Mendez)
By Edgar Mendez
This story was originally published by Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service, where you can find other stories reporting on fifteen city neighborhoods in Milwaukee. Visit milwaukeenns.org.
Milwaukee, like many cities across America, has a gun problem. The city’s ongoing struggle with gun violence underscores the need for solutions to prevent homicides, suicides and shootings.
One of the best ways to help prevent firearms-related injuries is to safely and securely store your gun and use a gun lock.
Thankfully, free gun locks are available through a number or organizations in Milwaukee listed below.
According to information from the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, firearms, when not in use, should be stored, locked and unloaded, with the ammunition stored separately.
In addition, locks and combinations should be inaccessible to children and teens and those who are at risk of harming themselves or others. If someone in your home is at-risk of using a firearm to injure themselves or others, the gun should be removed from the home.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there is strong evidence that suggests that a firearm in the home increases the risk of adolescent suicide.
In addition to misuse and firearm injuries, guns stored unsafely in the home or in cars are more likely to be stolen, according to research from the Joyce Foundation, a Chicago-based philanthropic organization.
Where to find free gun locks
Name: Harm Reduction Vending Machines
Location: Various
Free gun locks can be accessed at any of 19 Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services Harm Reduction Vending Machines. Here’s a link to a map showing all the locations. Several machines are housed within local nonprofits and community centers. You can also access Narcan and other harm-reduction supplies through the vending machines.
Name: Milwaukee Police Department
Location: Various
The Milwaukee Police Department makes available free gun locks at some of its district stations. They recommend that you contact your local police district station to check on availability.
Name: Office of Community Wellness and Safety
Residents can obtain free gun locks through the City of Milwaukee’s Office of Community Wellness and Safety by calling Quinn Taylor, community violence prevention coordinator, at 414-559-3201.
Name: United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM)
Location: 1609 W. North Ave.
Residents can pick up free gun locks at the UNCOM home office on North Avenue any weekday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Name: Milwaukee Christian Center
Address: 807 S. 14th St.
The Milwaukee Christian Center provides free gun locks for residents at its food pantry Monday through Thursday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Name: Team HAVOC
Team HAVOC, a grassroots organization that conducts street outreach, provides free gun locks for residents while tabling at events. To learn about upcoming events where you can obtain a gunlock from the group, visit their Facebook page.
Name: Journey House
Location: 2110 W. Scott St.
Located in the Clarke Square neighborhood, Journey House provides free gun locks for residents.
Where to find safe gun storage
Name: Wisconsin Gun Shop Project & Safe Storage Program (Milwaukee County Locations)
Location: Multiple
The Live Today-Put It Away project allows participating gun shops to provide firearm suicide prevention and safety information and gun storage at a location outside of your home for a low fee. You can find various locations in Milwaukee County here. https://livetodayputitaway.org/