Girl Scout cookie sale is the largest girl-led business in the world. (Photo/GSWISE)
By Karen Stokes

From March 3 – March 29, Girl Scouts will begin selling at cookie booths in participating public locations around southeastern Wisconsin
Every year families look forward to Girl Scout Cookie time.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is one of the most iconic activities and the largest girl-led business in the world.
Everyone can name their favorites whether they’re Thin Mints, Caramel Delites or Shortbread. And every year brings exciting changes.
This year, the Girl Scouts have introduced a new, online exclusive cookie: the Raspberry Rally. The new cookie, along with all of the other classic favorites, go on sale February 1 and can be purchased through a local Girl Scout, at cookie booths throughout the region, and online.
“The girl scouts have been selling on line for a few years now, it’s kind of a game changer for the girls, the parents and the volunteers,” said Wendy Dahl, Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Director of Product Program. “The nice part is the customers can pay online when they place their orders and the girls don’t have to go back and collect money. The customers can have cookies shipped straight from the baker to their house or they can choose to have the Girl Scout deliver them.”

On February 1, Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast will kick off the 2023 Girl Scout Cookie Program (Photo/GSWISE)
Last year, 8,308 Girl Scouts in southeastern Wisconsin sold a total of 1,728,000 packages of cookies. The most popular cookie variety among cookie-lovers in 2022 was Thin Mints (23% of total cookie sales).
“Beginning in March the Girl Scouts will be out in the grocery stores setting up their cookie booths. If you don’t see anything in your area you can click and then they will connect you to a Girl Scout troop and then you can order online and it will be shipped to you,” Dahl said.
You can go online to girlscoutcookies.org and plug in your zip code to alert you where cookies are being sold in your area or you can text COOKIES to 59618*.
“The troops are doing really fantastic things with the proceeds that they earn. It can be given back to their community, we have a lot of troops doing travel opportunities, we have a few troops going internationally, all paid for by the selling of Girl Scout cookies,” Dahl said. “The girls learn so much from it business skills, money handling skills, and goal setting..it’s a win-win for everybody.”