By Alex Lasry

Alex Lasry
It’s been devastating to see the news of the shocking number of mass shootings taking place across the country. Almost every day we see more and more people dying because of senseless, preventable acts of gun violence. From the shooting in downtown Milwaukee, to the terrible tragedy in Uvalde, and most recent shootings in Tulsa and Racine, we’re seeing one of our nation’s biggest epidemics on full display, and Ron Johnson refuses to do anything about it.
After accepting over $1.2 million and an ‘A rating’ from the National Rifle Association, Ron Johnson is compromised. It’s clear that he will do nothing to protect our children and our communities, and will actively oppose any efforts to stiffen current gun laws.
From day one of my campaign, I’ve been clear: assault rifles have no place on our streets. If we want to prevent future acts of gun violence then we have to take bold actions. We must ban assault rifles and high-capacity magazines, impose waiting limits on firearm purchases, and make universal background checks mandatory all across the country – all of which I’ve called for in my recently released comprehensive public safety plan.
These are all proven measures to reduce gun violence, we don’t have to guess what might work. We need permanent solutions to stop these terrible tragedies and these measures are a good place to start.
But, none of these common-sense solutions can happen while politicians like Ron Johnson remain in the United States Senate.
Just last week, Ron Johnson blamed the mass shooting in Uvalde on ‘wokeness’ and literally ran away from reporters as they asked him questions about what he would do to prevent further gun violence. Since then, we have seen more mass shootings and nothing from Ron Johnson.
Tammy Baldwin needs a true partner in the U.S. Senate, not someone who is actively working against common sense measures that will help protect our communities.
After over a decade of inaction from Ron Johnson, it’s clear that he won’t do anything to protect Wisconsin from gun violence, but I will as your next United States Senator.