By Milwaukee Courier Staff

Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson
This Tuesday, April 5, Milwaukee voters have the opportunity to make history and put the city on a new path forward, by making Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson the first Black elected mayor in the city’s history.
The Milwaukee Courier endorses Johnson unreservedly and encourages every eligible voter to get out and take part in this historic event.
It’s been nearly two decades since Milwaukee last elected a new mayor. Former Mayor Tom Barrett served for 18 years before he resigned to become Ambassador to Luxembourg.
Ambassador Barrett is a kind man and was often a fine mayor, but Milwaukee is in desperate need of fresh, new, young energy to move us forward, and Johnson is the right man to move us forward.

Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson with Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley
Johnson scored an impressive blowout primary victory during the primary, earning 42% of the vote and earning the right to face the second-place winner, former Ald. Bob Donovan, in the general election this Tuesday.
In his short time in office, Johnson has hit the ground running, rolling out two public safety plans, including comprehensive strategies to address reckless driving and gun violence, as well as a new economic development and jobs plan for Milwaukee. He has brought a new energy and a bold vision to the Mayor’s Office that has been lacking for too long.
Milwaukee Police Chief Jeff Norman said Johnson’s anti-crime plans are “more than I’ve seen in 26 years” of law enforcement service. The acting mayor has engaged dozens of stakeholder groups and individuals in developing his plans.
Johnson has seen a rallying of support for his candidacy from all across Milwaukee.
County Executive David Crowley, the first Black person to be elected a county executive in Wisconsin, has offered his enthusiastic endorsement of Johnson.
“Mayor Johnson is the right person for the job,” Crowley said. “He has lived experience as a lifelong Milwaukee resident, raised in poverty, and as a graduate of Milwaukee Public Schools. He has a track record of service in the community, around the world, and on behalf of his constituents as a City Alderman and Common Council President. And he has a strategic approach, imaginative style and fortitude.
“I’ve seen firsthand the positive impact Cavalier has had on our communities, and I know he will continue to do right by the great people of Milwaukee once elected Mayor,” Crowley said. “I am looking forward to continuing to partner with him as we make our neighborhoods safer, address racial inequities and keep growing our economy.”

Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson being sworn in as his family closely observes.
Johnson has also earned the endorsement of State Sen. LaTonya Johnson (no relation to the acting mayor).
“It’s been my honor to work with Mayor Cavalier Johnson to make our city stronger for all of us, and there is no doubt he is the leader we need today,” Johnson said. “He has my enthusiastic support, and together we will reinvest in Milwaukee and create a safer, stronger city.”
Polling places are open on election day, Tuesday, April 5, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters can register at the polls if not already registered, with proof of identity and proof of residency, such as a drivers’ license with your current address or another legal photo ID and a current utility bill.
You can find your polling place at