By Karen Stokes
One of the most simple and practical things we all can do to help stop the spread of COVID-19 or coronavirus is to stay home.
Stay Home, Save Lives MKE, a public information campaign launched by Milwaukee County and the 19 municipalities that make up the Unified Emergency Operations Center (UEOC) encourages residents to limit their public interactions to help protect our communities and front-line workers who need to remain healthy and strong.
The coronavirus is a respiratory illness that spreads easily from person to person. According to information from the City of Milwaukee, as of April 7, 2020 at 2 p.m., there are 1,081 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the city of Milwaukee; those numbers change daily.
Mayor Tom Barrett issued a Safer at Home order to lessen the spread of COVID-19, when went into effect at 12:01 a.m. on March 25. This order will remain in effect until 8 a.m. on April 24 or until a superseding order is issued.
Individuals may leave their homes for specific things such as performing tasks essential to maintain health and safety, such as getting a prescription filled or seeing a doctor. Going to the grocery store to get necessary food and supplies or caring for an older adult, children or individuals with disabilities are also considered essential activities.

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People can enjoy being outside, but must maintain a six-foot physical distance. No group sports are allowed and playgrounds are closed.
“This Stay Home is not an easy thing,” said Pastor Walter Lanier, senior pastor of Progressive Baptist Church of Milwaukee.
“For those who are able, staying home will save lives, it stops the spread of the virus and it stops people from being infected.”
“Stay home as often as you can, no sleepovers, no play dates, no gatherings,” he said.
This Sunday is Easter Sunday, a day when churches are typically packed with worshippers. To abide by Stay at Home orders many churches have closed their doors and are streaming services for their congregation to worship from home.
“I’m grateful for what led me to get the message to my congregation early,” said Lanier. “Our faith calls us to do two things, to be faithful and to be wise. Walking by faith doesn’t mean exposing yourself to danger.”
Lanier continued, “Sometimes we are looking at complex solutions to our problems when the answer is actually simple. If we can stay home, we protect ourselves, our families, our people and our community.”
For more information and to show that you are determined to help stop the spread of this disease by signing the pledge to Stay Home and Save Lives go to
Show your support on your favorite social media channels with your friends by changing your profile picture at: You can signal loud and proud that you’re making this commitment for the sake of those you love and for your community.