Senior Pastor, Dr. Marcus L. Arrington
After 28 years in Ministry, Bishop Walter Harvey, senior pastor of Parklawn Assembly of God, is repositioning to the role of apostle. Harvey shared his desire to transition to this role and to appoint Dr. Marcus L. Arrington to the role of senior pastor over a year ago in March 2019. The two have worked closely together over the past year to effectively prepare and transition the church. Last month, the congregation voted and confirmed Dr. Marcus L. Arrington as the new senior pastor.
Harvey is not leaving the church but will continue his leadership roles as president/CEO of the National Black Fellowship of the Assemblies of God as well as president/CEO of PRISM Economic Development Corporation. Additionally, Harvey will continue to be a part of the teaching/preaching pastoral team at Parklawn and will serve to provide guidance to the new senior pastor. A 60/28 banquet dinner and concert to celebrate Harvey and Lady Judy Harvey’s 28th year in ministry and Harvey’s birthday will be held on Saturday, April 4. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

Bishop Walter Harvey
Arrington, the new senior pastor-elect, is well known in the Milwaukee community as an educator and most recently held the position of principal at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School from 2014-2019. Arrington serves as an elder and has been a commissioned minister at the church since 2014. He has also authored three books “Young, Anointed and Empowered,” “The African Presence in the Bible for Children” and most recently “When Hope Finds a Home.” His objective is to personally and collaboratively leverage faith and professional resources to influence positive change in individuals, groups, organizations and communities. This objective aligns well with the mission, vision and values of Parklawn, well-known for its positive impact in the Sherman Park community.
The church will celebrate Arrington’s installation as senior pastor, this weekend, beginning with the Rich Legacy Bright Future Pre-Installation Concert on Saturday, March 14 followed by the Senior Pastor Installation Service on Sunday, March 15 at 3 p.m. Tickets for the concert are also available on Eventbrite.
This transition is all a part of ensuring that Parklawn can continue the great legacy of faith and service to the Milwaukee community that has been built over the past 28 years. Join Harvey and his wife, Lady Judy Harvey along with Arrington and wife, Crystal Arrington and the Parklawn Family at these upcoming historic events.
For more information, visit Parklawn’s website at www.parklawnag.org or get tickets on Eventbrite.