‘Warm Smiles for Kids’ Program accepting donations through January 31st

(L-R) Clarke Street School Principal Daryl Burns, AT&T Pioneer Jeanette St. Onge, and AT&T’s Dextra Hadnot with students who received donations of winter items from the AT&T Pioneers.
Students from two of Milwaukee Public Schools’ elementary schools will have winter clothing items to help keep them warm this winter, thanks to a donation from the AT&T Pioneers.
The AT&T Pioneers have donated 535 winter children’s items, including hats, scarves, gloves, coats, snow pants, shirts and socks for students at Clarke Street School and Benjamin Franklin School in Milwaukee.
The Pioneers have collected winter clothes for Wisconsin students through their annual “Warm Smiles for Kids” program since 2008.
“With winter fast approaching, we know that not every Wisconsin family has the means to provide their children with the clothes they need to stay warm this winter season,” said Scott T. VanderSanden, president of AT&T Wisconsin.
“The AT&T Pioneers are helping to fill that need by collecting warm clothes and donating them to Milwaukee schools where children may lack proper winter attire.”
This year, employees at 10 AT&T offices throughout the state, including in Milwaukee, Brookfield, Waukesha, Appleton and Madison, are holding collections and accepting donations through January 31.
Individuals in Milwaukee interested in donating items for the cause may contact Jeannette St. Onge with the AT&T Pioneers at 414-227- 6745 or js9412@att.com.
“We are thrilled to receive these donations from the AT&T Pioneers to help keep our students warm this winter,” said Daryl Burns, principal of Clarke Street School.
“With Wisconsin’s often harsh winters, we want to do what we can to make sure all of our students have the warm winter clothing they need, and these donations will go a long way toward filling that need.”
Items that are being collected through January 31 include new or gently used winter coats, hats, mittens, scarves and socks.
All sizes of children’s items are needed, including all sizes of coats for younger children, as well as all sizes of adult coats for teenagers and older children.
“These donations will help struggling Milwaukee families keep their kids warm this winter,” said State Rep. Leon Young (D-Milwaukee).
“It is wonderful to see volunteer organizations like the AT&T Pioneers stepping up to give back to their communities and make a difference in the lives of these children.”
The AT&T Pioneers are a local organization of employees and retirees who volunteer their time to various community causes.