Pictured left to right are John W. Daniels, Jr. ( Q&B Chairman), Roland Martin (Syndicated Columnist and CNN Analyst), Kwame Raoul (Illinois State Senator and Q&B Partner) and Thomas A. Hart, Jr. (Q&B Director of Government Relations).
WASHINGTON, D.C. The national law firm of Quarles & Brady LLP hosted CEOs, corporate clients, public officials and media executives at the 2nd Annual Chairman’s Brunch at the Willard Hotel on September 22, during the Congressional Black Caucus 42th Annual Legislative Weekend.
Nationally syndicated columnist and CNN analyst Roland Martin addressed 150 guests with his perspectives on the 2012 election and challenged them to become more involved in increasing voter turnout.
“We’re very pleased that so many of our clients and elected officials could join us for this special occasion,” said Quarles Chairman John W. Daniels Jr. “Our brunch has become one of the highlights of the CBC weekend, and we’re delighted that Quarles & Brady has had the opportunity to host an event of this magnitude.”
“It was an honor to attract so many distinguished guests to our brunch,” added the firm’s Director of Government Relations, Thomas A. Hart Jr. “Roland Martin mixed humor with substance to explain the current challenges and opportunities presented by the upcoming election.”
Together, with Quarles partner and Illinois State Senator Kwame Raoul, clients from some of the many industries that Quarles & Brady represents were among the brunch guests, including ExxonMobil, BMO Harris, Time Warner Cable and AT&T. Senior representatives from the Democratic and Republican parties, numerous elected officials and judges, college presidents as well as the newly appointed U.S. diplomatic representative to the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, Dr. Joan Prince, also attended.
Quarles & Brady LLP has also announced that 15 of its attorneys have been selected by their peers as “Lawyers of the Year” in The Best Lawyers in America® 2013 (Copyright 2012 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, SC).
Each year, Best Lawyers compiles its list of “Lawyers of the Year,” who practice in high-profile, specialty areas of law in large legal communities. Lawyers with this designation are selected based on particularly impressive voting averages received during the exhaustive peer-review assessments conducted with thousands of leading lawyers each year. Receiving this designation reflects the high level of respect a lawyer has earned among other leading lawyers in the same communities and the same practice areas for their abilities, professionalism and integrity. Only a single lawyer in each practice area and designated metropolitan area is honored.