Pam Robbins shares a moment with Phyillis Holder of The Sister’s Network congratulating Robbins on her recent magazine featured article. She was on the cover of Arthritis Today Magazine, and featured in an article that highlighted her volunteer efforts with a ‘Arthritis Foundation Walk With Ease’ class that she holds. Robbins is an inspiration to her class members and those around her, from her positive attitude, an outsider would not know that she battles her own health challenges that include arthritis and cancer. She is a retired registered nurse who has lived in Milwaukee all of her life. When addressing her health challenges she says, “For me, faith is the most vitally important thing. It starts my day, ends my day, and keeps me on the right track.” (Photo by Robert A. Bell)
The Milwaukee Affiliate of Sisters Network® Inc., a national African American breast cancer survivorship organization, will hold its 4th Annual Sisters Side By Side Breast Cancer Awareness and Education Program on Saturday, June 16, 2012 at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, 1531 N. Vliet Street, Milwaukee, WI from 10:00AM to 2:00PM.
Registration is free. Email a “Yes, I will come” RSVP to sistersmilwaukee@aol.com, post on facebook/sisters4cure or on Twitter @sisters4cure. Is it also possible to RSVP on facebook/sisters4cure events.
This year’s theme is Fight Fear: “You can be scared to death or into action”. You will be enlightened and empowered by being present. Fear is a foe to contend with being a mean reason for postponing and omitting health related action.
The purpose of this event is to educate the community about the devastating impact that fear of breast cancer and its screening tools and treatment has in the African American community. Outcomes include motivating attendees to respect and perform regular preventative health screenings and put self first when treatment is needed.
The program summit component, taking place from 11:00AM to 1:00PM, will allow cancer survivors and family, community folk and workers, healthcare providers and caregivers to get together with breast cancer experts, community participatory researchers and ecumenical leaders to dissect fear. In health literature and personal testimonies, fear is reported to be one of the major reasons why African American men and women delay or omit preventive healthcare.
This event takes place on a Saturday to respect the schedules of survivors in treatment and those who must work Monday through Friday.
Mammography will be offered at the King Center during this program by appointment only. Mammograms that take place on Columbia St. Mary’s Mobile Digital Mammography Center can be billed through health insurance. Those without insurance coverage for a mammogram or needing co-pay assistance can a call Claudia at (414) 333-2206 for to assess eligibility for payment through various programs including the Wisconsin Well Woman Program and Kohl’s Cares.
For more information and to schedule a mammogram appointment, call Claudia at 414.333.2206.
Information about free prostate screenings will also be provided at this program. Healthcare exhibitors will available. Refreshments will be served in the Molina Healthcare Tea Room at 10:00AM. Don’t miss this opportunity provided to you by UW Health, Milwaukee County Parks, 100 Black Women and other community organizations concerned about your health.
For more information about the overall program, please call 414.745.7831.