The House budget bill puts clean energy on the chopping block, a road to higher energy prices, and a loss of 2,512 good-paying jobs in Wisconsin
Washington, D.C. – On Tuesday, House members voted on a budget bill that puts America’s clean energy investments on the chopping block only to fund more tax cuts for billionaires. While the details remain secret, Republican Speaker Johnson has pledged that the bill will cover Trump’s entire policy agenda, including crushing American clean energy. Every House Republican, including Representative Derrick Van Orden (WI-03), voted for the bill, despite broad support for clean energy investments among business leaders, union leaders, and a majority of Americans.
In Rep. Van Orden’s district alone, the bill would cost Wisconsinites 1,850 good-paying clean energy jobs and $2.4 billion in local investment and $5.4 billion statewide.
“While Trump and Derrick Van Orden ran on promises to cut energy costs and save jobs in Wisconsin, they are already driving inflation up and killing jobs,” said André Crombie, Climate Power’s Interim Managing Director, States. “With this vote, Van Orden chose to place billionaire donors over hard-working Wisconsinites’ jobs, safety, and livelihoods. Van Orden owes the people of Wisconsin an ironclad promise that he will not jack up their energy bills or send their jobs overseas.”