The City of Milwaukee was presented with a $57,000 check last Thursday to be used to assist property owners in making repairs to broken or damaged sewer lines, according to Alderman Joe Davis, … [Read more...]
Barrett re-elected, eyes on Walker recall
By Cassandra Lans Last week the Government Accountability Board (GAB) certified the recall election against Scott Walker, and following that announcement Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett announced … [Read more...]
Milwaukee Courier endorsement: Willie Hines for 15th District Alderman
Hines will build on strong record of leadership, results to lead Milwaukee into the future When the voters of the 15th Aldermanic District head to the polls on April 3rd, they should cast their … [Read more...]
President Hines takes part in briefing for minority contractors for Potawatomi hotel project
City of Milwaukee Common Council President Willie L. Hines, Jr. took part in an informational meeting for minority contractors this past Monday, March 19 in the Woodland Dreams Ballroom of Potawatomi … [Read more...]
Walker and Van Hollen heist money for foreclosure victims
By Lynda Jones This week Milwaukee Inner City Congregatons Allied for Hope (MICAH) organized a press conference to demand that ALL $31.6 million Foreclosure Fraud Settlement dollars be directed … [Read more...]
Shame on you, Sheriff David Clarke, Hines & Holloway blast Sheriff’s pull back on President’s security
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke’s decision to assign sheriff’s deputies to provide only partial security for President Obama’s visit to Milwaukee this week is drew strong criticism from Common … [Read more...]
New employment numbers “Extremely Disheartening”
By Common Council President Willie L. Hines, Jr. This week’s top-of-thepage headline in the Journal Sentinel notes the sad reality of African American male employment in Milwaukee, as a new … [Read more...]
Street naming dedication in honor of Mattiebelle Woods on Oct. 31
“First Lady of the Black Press” Community, business and political leaders will gather on Monday, October 31, 2011 as the city of Milwaukee dedicates a street in memory of Mattiebelle Woods, “First … [Read more...]
Council members lobby against post office closings
The Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. station of the United States Postal Service, located in the 6th aldermanic district, is one of five offices slated for closure. A letter sent to the Postmaster General … [Read more...]
Elected officials oppose post office closings in Milwaukee
By Lynda Jones Wisconsin elected officials held a press conference this week in front of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Post Office to challenge the proposed closures of five Milwaukee area … [Read more...]