Kweku’s Korner
By Dr. Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi

Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi, formerly known as Ramel Smith
- The weak whispers. Afraid to speak truth to power. Watered down apologies with lead water. Critical thinkers bring power to truth and dismantle fake proof with Unspeakable truth.
- You can observe and penalize the behavior. But it is unfair to judge only the fruit when you fail to consider the initial problems down to the dirty roots.
- We are often impressed by artificial things in life; and this is why we usually miss the real. Look deeper into the substance and go beyond the initial appeal and feel.
- America was built by us but not built for us. We look for justice but must look at just us… for the solution and cure. All the years of assimilation; yet 2nd class citizenship we must endure. We must protect us if we want justice.
- Learn the rules. Follow the rules. Follow the rules until you are big enough to challenge the rules; and successful enough to change the rules.
- What you eat, does it bring life, or close to death? Acidic has a taste, but it puts your body in a bad place. The Alkaline tastes fine and keeps your body running fine and your face looking like fine wine.
- Listen and be wise. Don’t think it’s a chastise. My eyes have seen what your eyes have yet to see. If you don’t listen to me, you will have wished you listened to me.
- Thuggin got me Buggin! But the hate you give is the hate I return. Lessons not taught are lessons not learned. They say it doesn’t matter though, like all Black damage is collateral.
- When you leapfrog fear. Learning and growth are clear. And your dreams manifesting will be near.
- The reason we kneel. The reason we pray. The reason we sacrifice every day. The reason is to remember the souls killed like common prey.
- What we need to do, we already know. Don’t delay or procrastinate or over analyze and hypothesize over the theoretical. Don’t you know what to do already? Don’t answer. The question was rhetorical.
- YOU may be the answer to someone’s prayer. That may be the reason YOU were there. Let someone know YOU care. Tomorrow it could be YOU reaching up in despair.
- Strengthened from up above. You do what you do out of love. Regardless of the opposition, to defend your family is the mission. For that, we need no one’s permission.
- No one has it all together. We all are figuring it out, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help those who are on a lesson we have already experienced and passed.
- We fall but we get up. It’s hard to stop something that is determined not to be stopped.
- Fake love. Fake effort. Fake words. Fake goals debated. Fake timelines are created, Fake promises to keep, and Fake people to meet.
- Keep your stereotypes and false accusations. Your presence lowers her vibrations. Treat and respect the Queens. She is worthy of your admiration and veneration.