When’s the right time to let your lash and brow supplies go? Keep an eye out for these signs you should replace them with newer, fresher products.
Oh, how we wish that bottle of lash glue or brow tint we bought in the beginning of our salon career could last forever. But, unfortunately, that’s just not how it works. As much as we try to make our lash and brow supplies last as long as possible, there comes a time when we have to say goodbye and replace them with fresh, new products.
So, how do you know when it’s time to give your salon’s lash and brow supplies an upgrade? Here are some signs to look out for.
Changes in Consistency or Performance
One of the most obvious signs that it’s time to replace your lash and brow supplies is if they no longer perform as well as they used to. For example, if your lash glue becomes clumpy or takes longer to dry than usual, or if your brow tint starts to fade quickly after application, it may be time to toss them out and get new ones. These changes in consistency or performance could be due to expired products or improper storage, so pay attention and replace your supplies accordingly.
Discoloration or Foul Odor
While most lash and brow supplies have a relatively long shelf life, they do eventually expire. If you notice any discoloration or strange odors coming from your products, throw them out immediately! Using expired products can be harmful to both your clients and your reputation as a salon.
Pro tip: to prevent this from happening, properly store your supplies in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Allergic Reactions or Irritations
If you or any of your clients start experiencing allergic reactions or irritations after using certain lash and brow products, replace them with something new. These types of reactions could mean the products have expired or contain ingredients that are no longer suitable for use. Don’t take any risks when it comes to the safety and satisfaction of your clients—swap out those old products for fresh ones.
Running Low on Product
This may seem like an obvious sign, but if you’re running low on a certain lash or brow product, restock! Don’t wait until you completely run out before ordering more supplies. Running low on products can lead to rushed appointments and unsatisfied clients. Keep track of your inventory and make sure to order new supplies before it’s too late.
Outdated Packaging or Branding
Another reason you may want to consider replacing your salon’s lash and brow supplies is if the packaging or branding is outdated. As trends change, so do consumer preferences for product presentation. Your old, worn-out packaging could be turning away potential clients. Consider updating your supplies with fresh new packaging that will catch the eye of potential customers.
We know; it’s hard to let go of those familiar lash and brow products that have been with you since the beginning. But don’t hold on to them to your detriment. If they start showing any of the signs mentioned above, say goodbye and replace them with new, better-performing supplies. Using high-quality, up-to-date products in your salon will quickly replace the sadness of parting ways with your old favorites.