Kweku’s Korner
By Alisia Moutry, Ph.D.
4AM Consulting, LLC

Alisia Moutry, Ph.D.
Daylight savings time is approaching us once again. While it gives us a natural reminder that the sunlight hours will shift, it also reminds us that it is time to change the batteries in our home and internal smoke detectors. The home smoke detectors will often beep when the batteries are low. A friend of mine (thanks Victoria R.) sent me information she heard on one of her favorite Christian radio stations. I was reminded when something like the remote control, flashlight, and yes, the smoke detector are not working, we do not just throw them out, we change the battery. The information she shared encouraged us to consider this concept when dealing with people or even ourselves who are not functioning anymore, we may just need a battery change. While most smoke detectors operate with a C battery and remote controls need the AA. This article is a reminder that our bodies often provide us with an indicator that it’s time to change the batteries of our minds, bodies, and souls as well. Our bodies do not operate on just one type of battery. We often need AA, AAA, C, and D batteries.
Here are four types of batteries that may be needed to power up our bodies:
AA: Appreciation and Affection. Both of these words require action. It is important to self and for others to understand and then to communicate your worth and those around you. In addition to understanding and communicating worth, one needs to feel liked and more importantly loved.
AAA: Appreciation, Affection, and Acceptance. The triple A battery starts with the same two described above and then adds acceptance. We need to be able to accept and appreciate people for whom they are not holding them to or comparing them to the standard of anyone else. “Come as you are” are comforting words to hear when the triple A battery is needed.
C: Compassion. Often, we need the C battery. We need to have pity, concern, and even care for ourselves, and others based on the sufferings or misfortunes in our lives.
D: Direction. The D battery is needed when the course and direction of life are lost. Often this battery needs support being installed, such as mental health support.
When the item no longer works, do you just throw it out? No, you change the battery! Let this daylight savings time be a reminder to change our batteries. If you or they’re still not operating, make sure you have the correct battery and ensure they are inserted in the positive direction side up. There is always room for growth, based on current situations, which one or two of these batteries do you need to focus on to make your home a happier place?