Julie Cullen and David Cullen with their grandchildren
By Julie Cullen
My husband David Cullen is an honest public servant who has received unfair criticism from a young, inexperienced, uneducated opponent. The man I married 35 years ago continues to take the high road in the face of these unfair attacks.
I have known David for most of my life and we have shared life’s ups and downs. He was the youngest of 6 children when he lost his father at 19 months of age. He started delivering newspapers at a young age to help with the family’s expenses. He worked hard to put himself through college at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Marquette University Law School.
When David was 35 he lost a brother to heart disease. His sister-in-law needed help as she had 4 daughters to raise alone. David was there to help. As an avid runner, he and his sister-in-law also started the Cullen Healthy Heart Run to raise money for heart research. After more than 25 years, the run continues to fund breakthrough research with donations topping $650,000 to date. Ten years after his brother Steve died, David’s two other brothers died suddenly from heart disease, just one day apart. David was there for his mom and sisters as they buried two more men in the family.
On a professional note, David served as a Wisconsin State Representative for over 20 years. While in the legislature he received numerous awards. He was named the Wisconsin Elected Official of the Year by the Wisconsin Maternal and Child Health Coalition for his leadership on issues relating to the health of mothers and their newborn children. He also received numerous Clean 16 awards from the Wisconsin Environmental Decade for his voting record and activism on environmental issues facing Wisconsin. He fought hard for funding for Milwaukee schools and programs. He was there fighting against Scott Walker’s Act 10 bill in a marathon 60-hour session.
In 2012 he was elected to the Milwaukee County Board. He was appointed Chairperson of the Finance, Facilities and Personnel Committee, where he led the Board through the budget adoption process. When the County Treasurer abruptly retired in 2014 he was urged by his colleagues to run for that position. He won that election and has served as County Treasurer for the last 10 years.
As Treasurer, David has many accomplishments. He has collected more than $90 million in delinquent property taxes for Milwaukee County. His sound investment decisions resulted in $27 million in investment earnings for Milwaukee County in 2023 alone. His historic decision as the first Treasurer to invest county resources in Columbia Savings & Loan, the only Black-owned bank in Wisconsin, will allow more people to get mortgage loans in some of Milwaukee’s most disadvantaged neighborhoods. He is also a fair, understanding, compassionate boss to his employees. At her last performance review, one woman shed a few tears as she told David how much she appreciated him.
David is a wonderful husband, father, and grandfather. His caring temperament extends to the residents of Milwaukee County. He has helped countless families stay in their homes when financial circumstances prevented them from making timely property tax payments. As a Milwaukee County homeowner for 34 years, David understands the importance of home and family.
So, from his wife who knows him best of all, I urge you to vote for an honest, hard-working, experienced leader on August 13th. Vote David Cullen for Milwaukee County Treasurer.