By LaKeshia N. Myers

Representative LaKeshia Myers
A minister once said, “Remember, everyone has two dates on their tombstone, what really counts is what you did with the dash in between. It’s the dash that’s most important.” I have had plenty of time to dwell on the dash this week, as I am mourning the loss of my aunt Mollie who passed away at the age of ninety.
Aunt Mollie lived a simple life that was grounded in prayer and purpose to her community. She was a professional caregiver for much of her adult life. She was a daycare provider to young children, a cook to agricultural workers, and a palliative care specialist for those at the end of life. She approached caring for those at the beginning and end of life with the same respect. When I reminisce about her, I am reminded of her favorite song, “When the gates swing open”; she would always sing this song at family reunions and at church.
In thinking about her, I have also taken an assessment of what I have done, to be of service to others. How have I utilized the time God has given me thus far to impact someone else’s life in a positive way. What if anything can I do to aid someone else in need? Is it through earnest prayer, a song, or food? These are all of the ways Aunt Mollie served people; in a practical way—she didn’t have a lot of money, but she did effectively use her time and would leverage her resources to help anyone in need.
Aunt Mollie was the oldest living relative I had on my mother’s side; reaching the age of ninety was a dream come true for her. She had lived in a world ripe with injustice, but in her own way, she made a difference. She would often say, “Serving is the rent we pay for the honor of living”. She served people selflessly and now she can read her title clear. I can only hope to be so fortunate to live so long and serve people so well.
Through the years
I keep on toiling
Lord I’m toiling through the storm and rain
I’m patiently waiting and watching
Until the Savior comes again
Oh, I’m coming home, Lord, trusting in your word
Keep me from the paths of sin, hide me in thy love
Hide me in your love, write my name above
When the gates swing open, I’ll walk in