By Alex Lasry

Alex Lasry
Like many other Wisconsinites, I’m tired of seeing self-serving Ron Johnson give breaks to the wealthy few or massive corporations while he ignores the needs of working Wisconsinites. Johnson is actively trying to ship jobs out of Wisconsin and then blaming unions for the problems that he has helped create.
The working people of Wisconsin deserve their break, and I’m going to fight like hell to give it to them.
For too long, workers in the United States have been losing ground. They’ve been punished by companies prioritizing profits over people. Income inequality has risen, and wages stagnated. The war on labor unions and the reduction in union membership has hurt our country and economy.
I’ve always been a strong advocate for workers’ rights and unions–ensuring that all 10,000 construction jobs created by building the Bucks’ Arena and the resulting jobs in the arena were filled with Wisconsin union labor. I helped make sure that workers who were often shut out of projects like these were not only included but were actively recruited to be part of the historic project. I have proven that progressive values are good for business, and that’s exactly the experience that I want to bring to the U.S. Senate.
We need labor laws that match the contours of today’s economy and protect today’s workers–that’s why I released a ‘Workers’ Bill of Rights’ to help lift up our working families and support the organizations that protect them.
Every Wisconsinite deserves the right to join a union, be paid a minimum wage of $15 an hour, and get guaranteed paid leave. We must also protect the organizations that are standing up for our workers. By outlawing “right to work” on a federal level, requiring employers to publicly report all expenditures and the amounts spent in anti-union campaigns, and ensuring the federal government only does business with companies that respect workers’ rights to organize a union, we can protect the organizations that fight so hard for our workers every day.
It’s high time Wisconsin has two Senators that fight for our working families. I will be a partner for Tammy Baldwin and help return real results to our state.
Beating Ron Johnson gets us one step closer to establishing these strong federal safeguards and building reliable systems of manufacturing here at home. We can empower American workers by putting more money in people’s pockets, producing more things right here at home, and protecting all workers for generations to come. Wisconsinites cannot afford to allow Ron Johnson to spread his anti-worker beliefs and push jobs away from our communities for another 6 years.