(Event leaders and supporters: Front row left to right- Elise Papke, UW-Milwaukee Zilber School of Public Health, Lisa Jones, Milwaukee Inner-City Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH), Lorraine Halinka Malcoe, UWM Zilber School of Public Health, Jeff Roman, Office on African American Affairs. Back row left to right- Quinton Cotton, QDC Research and Policy Consulting Group, LLC, Ericka Sinclair, Health Connections, Inc., Darryl Davidson, Office of Community Engagement for the City of Milwaukee, Pastor Walter Lanier, Progressive Baptist Church, Pastor Terrence Moore, Kairos International Christian Church, Inc., Photo Credit: Lauren Otto, Science writer / media relations, UWM)
Nearly 50 concerned residents turned out recently as the MKE Black Grassroots Network for Health Equity presented its plan to improve life conditions and the well-being of Black families and communities in Milwaukee County. The group delivered its Community Change Agenda and Call to Action during an event at the MATC Downtown Campus.
“This Change Agenda demonstrates that the days of a top down approach are over,” said Jeff Roman, director of the Milwaukee County Office on African American Affairs and a member of the Network. “It exemplifies that we [the Black Community] have the power to define, we have the power to advocate for, we have the power to act on, if equitably invested in and actively supported, we have the capacity and ability to act on what is best for ourselves, our families and our communities.”
Outlined in the group’s agenda were several concepts related to Social Justice, Healing Justice, Black Liberation, Systems Change, and Black Cultural Lens, which they said should be used to develop solutions that will shift Milwaukee’s landscape and improve Black lives. Milwaukee County leaders have pledged to support their plans.
The group, established in January 2021 to address the impact of COVID-19 on Black families, includes Rozalia Harris, Elle Hill,Camille Mays, Vaun Mayes, Melody McCurtis,
Fardowsa Mohamed, Antonia Drew Vann, and several other Black Pastors and leaders of Black-led grassroots organizations. The MKE Black Grassroots Network for Health Equity was funded by the Zilber Family Foundation through the UWM-Zilber School of Public Health.
You can access the Community Change Agenda and Report here. Hear more from MKE Black Grassroots Network for Health Equity members here.