After more than a decade of research, author Kathleen Brush, Ph.D. MBA confirms that the U.S. is the world’s least racist society
By Media Relations, Inc

Kathleen Brush, Ph.D. MBA
How does the United States compare with other countries when it comes to discrimination? Are we steeped in racism or have we progressed more than other countries? Author Kathleen Brush, Ph.D., MBA, an expert on discrimination around the world, embarked on a mission to discover the truth.
After conducting 11 years of research on 193 countries plus territories, including traveling to 111 countries, she said, “The media has to stop painting the narrative of the U.S. as some evil racist empire. It’s not true and it unfairly tarnishes the reputation of a nation that is demonstrably a global anti-racist leader. Mind you, there is not much competition; most other countries still consider discrimination to be useful.”
She added, “We need to stop thinking of America as a racist pariah because it’s just not true. The patriotic problems we’re seeing in the U.S. are because people have a lack of understanding of the measures taken and progress, we as a nation have achieved toward tackling racism. The United States is a progressive anti-racist leader compared to the rest of the world.”
Data-based book reveals more rampant discrimination around the world than in the U.S.
Brush has documented her findings in her new book, “Racism and anti- Racism in the World: before and after 1945.” The data-based book has three times as many references as there are pages.
“I chose 1945 because that is when the U.S. took the lead in strongly encouraging all nations to end discrimination and it became a role model for taking the mission seriously.
Proof of its commitment is found in American minorities progressing further and faster than minorities in any other country. America became and remains a beacon for repressed people all over the world.”
Multiculturalism is perpetuating discrimination
For ages, America was applauded for being this grand melting pot.
“The world has held us up as the ideal because we were able to integrate a very diverse mix of people and create the world’s most prosperous nation. A nation built on people of all colors and creeds that decided they wanted to succeed and they did. In most countries of the world, minorities can only dream of succeeding.”
“More recently, we have vocal advocates for multiculturalism. Multiculturalism creates segregation. These advocates cannot realize that this is the separate but equal formula endorsed in 1896 by Plessy v. Ferguson and overturned by the Supreme Court in 1952 in Brown v. the Board of Education. In segregated multi-racial societies, there is no separate but equal. There is only separate and discrimination.”
Many other American ethnicities have endured multiculturalism and segregation in the past.
“Few people today think about the Irish and Italians as suffering from discrimination. But up to the 1960s, they weren’t considered white. They self-segregated, choosing to live in ethnic neighborhoods. They suffered from discrimination similar to Blacks. The Italians were reluctant to learn English. The Irish spoke with a brogue that was ridiculed by others. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 became an incredible motivator for them. They realized they had to leave their ethnic neighborhoods for diverse communities, learn English and become educated if they wanted to prosper.”
Other key findings documented in the book
• The American system of integration is working. “Compared with statistics from the 1960s, Americans from all different ethnic groups are progressing. If we just allow it to continue to progress while making adjustments to try to level the playing field, discrimination will continue fading. Progress will halt if we take this path of dividing America with racist finger pointing. That dialogue causes some people to perceive racism everywhere, and others to find comfort with like people.”
• Certain groups around the world suffer higher levels of discrimination. “Discrimination is a complex issue. Different Black ethnicities, for example, face discrimination most severely in Africa where people once routinely enslaved their neighbors. Others that routinely face discrimination are Chinese living outside of China and Muslims in non-Muslim majority countries.”
• Benevolent racism solidifies discrimination. “We come up with solutions that support segregated communities and then we offer a helping hand. That solidifies the subordination.”
• Majority rules wherever you go. “If I go to a foreign country, I have a 99% chance of facing discrimination either because I’m American, I’m a woman or I’m white. I fully expect that because all countries consciously or unconsciously favor their majorities. It’s the concept of Muslim privilege, Chinese privilege, Nigerian privilege, etc.”
• We’re going down the path of false narratives. “You can’t change biased beliefs through sensitivity training. Studies show that’s not going to happen. In many cases, raising awareness of differences actually increases bias. The good news is that statistics show that only 4% of biased beliefs result in biased outcomes. In other words, even when people have biased beliefs, the probability of that resulting in a discriminatory action is incredibly small.”
• Awareness campaigns that call whites racists are polarizing. “America has made so much progress toward leveling the playing field and dispensing with discriminatory actions. Poorly conceived campaigns run the risk of stalling or negating progress.”
Solutions start with common values and mingling
While Brush emphasized that the solutions aren’t simple, everyone identifying as American is key. This means sharing fundamental American values like self-reliance, a hard work ethic and a belief in the rule of law.
“No one has to give up ethnic cultures to do that. America treasures its cultural diversity. This formula has always worked and it is a formula for all Americans working and prospering together.”
How do we, as individuals, do our part?
“Break out of your comfort zone. Get exposure to people of different ethnicities so you can appreciate each other. It’s a universal quality to want to spend time with people similar to yourself. Instead, vow to spend time with people who you are less comfortable with. Sit next to someone of a different ethnicity or culture in your next meeting. You’ll realize that your preference for like people was based on familiarity, and when you experience positive connections with others, your preferences expand.”
Brush’s book, “Racism and anti-Racism in the World: before and after 1945” is available on Amazon. Learn more about her works by visiting
Additional facts and conclusions from Racism and anti-Racism in the World: before and after 1945
• In 2017, the UK voted to exit the European Union. A survey conducted by British Social Attitudes found the primary reason was concern over too many immigrants.
• France has Europe’s largest Black population but comes out on top for hiring discrimination against nonwhite minorities. Researchers were surprised that the United States counted among the least discriminatory. Only Germany had a lower rating.
• Self-segregation for Blacks, Latinos or Native Americans may reduce perceptions of discrimination in their communities that can make life more comfortable, but it does not create safer communities, better schools, improve educational outcomes or create a foundation for better economic opportunities.
• Among the long list of data points on multiculturalism failures: In 1972 the Australian government reluctantly agreed to end the assimilation of its indigenous population and support multiculturalism. In 1996, the policy was deemed a failure and abolished. The growth in fascist political parties following the European migrant crisis led German Chancellor Merkel to pronounce multiculturalism a failure.
• Asian Americans and Latino Americans have been progressing assimilation and integration with good outcomes. Asian Americans are the most prosperous racial group in America. Second generation Latino Americans have experienced significant financial and educational gains, at the same time as they are voluntarily abandoning a Latino identity for an American one.
• No country in the world attracts and accepts more immigrants than the U.S. The largest foreign-born populations are Asian, Latino and African. People don’t abandon the comfort of homelands to have a lower quality of life.
Biography: Kathleen Brush, Ph.D. MBA
Kathleen Brush, Ph.D. MBA is a management consultant that specializes in simplifying the creation of global strategies.
Her Ph.D. is in management and international studies. She has more than 20 years of experience as a senior executive (CEO, GM, and CMO) for companies of all sizes, public and private, foreign and domestic. She has been conducting business internationally since 1988. This has included travel to 111 countries.
Kathleen is an avid researcher and writer in her areas of specialization. Her articles and interviews have been published by CNBC, Fox Business, Washington Post, Newsweek Japan,, The Street, Financial Times China, Bloomberg Business Week, Black Enterprise, Entrepreneur Magazine and Training Magazine.
Her books include: “Racism and Anti-Racism in the World: before and after 1945.” “A Brief History of International Relations: The World Made Easy.” “Watch Your Back;” “The Power of One: You’re the boss.” (Currently in process and planned for publication in 2020 is “Silent Sexism: Women Wake Up.”)