Mayor Tom Barrett
Mayor Barrett’s utmost priority, during these unprecedented times, is to protect the health and safety of the people of Milwaukee as we continue to fight back against the outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19).
That is why, as of this week, the City of Milwaukee has issued a “Stay at Home” order asking residents to limit all non-essential activities. This is a measure that is being taken to double down on the mayor’s commitment to making Milwaukee safe and keeping the city’s residents strong. We need to do all we can to stamp out this virus before it spreads further.
It’s important for residents to understand the changes they need to make in their lives while the ‘Safer at Home’ order is in effect. Residents can:
• Make short, limited trips to the grocery store or pharmacy when needed
• Go outside for fresh air and exercise, for short periods and continue to practice social distancing
• Continue to support our community’s many diverse small businesses that provide curbside pick-up or delivery.
Additionally, please remember that during this time many of our community members, friends and neighbors are suddenly faced with new challenges and obstacles to obtain the necessary resources needed to live safe and healthy. The following are a few resources where you, or folks who are in need, can turn to and find help.
• Contact the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1 (800) 985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 for counseling and support for distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster.
• Call the 24-hour crisis line (414)-257-7222 – Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division clinicians will offer support and guidance and connect callers to resources that can help.
• Go to hungertaskforce.org to locate where safe food resources are provided for Milwaukee’s individuals and families.
• Contact The Tandem, located at 1848 W Fond Du Lac Ave., at 414-885-1919 where they are committed to providing free community meals each day.
• To learn more about eligibility for Unemployment Benefits go to Dwd.wisconsin.gov
• To support service industry workers who are currently unemployed, please visit Restaurant Workers of Madison and Milwaukee Fund.
• Support members of our city’s creative entrepreneur community via the MKE Artist Relief Fund.
• For an even more comprehensive list of services being provided to those in need, please visit 211 Wisconsin.
If you are not in need of these services today, but know folks who are, you can do your part by sharing this information to help raise awareness.
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services says you can help by following basic hygiene practices. Wash your hands with soap and water and cover your coughs. Younger people, those who are 18 to 30 years old, aren’t immune to COVID-19. Anyone can contract COVID-19. So, it’s important for everyone, including young and healthy people, to practice social distancing.
Barrett’s number one priority today, and always, is the safety, health and future of our city’s hard- working families and children. He needs your help to continue leading us through these difficult times.
The general election is April 7. Your participation in every election is so important to our community. Barrett wants you to be able to cast your ballot in the upcoming election safely and efficiently. A safe option is to request an absentee ballot at myvote.wi.gov and vote via mail.
If you have not yet registered to vote, the deadline to do so online has extended to Monday, March 30. Go to: myvote.wi.gov
Mayor Barrett wants everyone to stay safe and stay strong. We will get through this together.