Vacant space at Century City Business Park in the 7th Aldermanic District
Now that the Strauss Brands deal to move to the north side of Milwaukee is dead, what does this mean for the residents of 53206 and 53208?
There’s a possibility Strauss could consider the option of constructing its new headquarters at a location in Franklin.
That’s good for Franklin, not so good for Milwaukee’s central city.

Century City Business Park in the 7th Aldermanic District
The median income in Franklin is $74,972, the median income of residents living in 53206 is $22,877 and the median income of 53208 residents is $31,592, according to census.gov.
The basic ability to purchase homes, go to the doctor or dentist with good insurance and other benefits that come from gainful employment are things that many in the central city have no access to.
Voices from some community leaders, radio talk show hosts and protestors fed the community misleading information speaking against the Strauss deal which led to losing much needed jobs that could allow for a better life for those in the central city. Many protesters don’t live, work or play in the central city.
Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! Malcolm X (Film)
Moving forward, now is the time for strong, effective leadership in order for the central city of Milwaukee to grow. In addition to strong leadership, members of this community need to do homework for themselves to find the truth.
A resource from Milwaukee. gov allows the general public to view Milwaukee Common Council proceedings. Telecasts of meetings that are being shown on the city’s cable television channel (City Channel 25) are now streamed live over the Internet. Anyone can look up a legislative file, read the attached documents and then view how the council committee and the entire Common Council acted on the item.
Mr. Warren G Harper has resided less than 500 yards from the former A.O. Smith site for almost 60 years. He has been a business owner for over 50 years in the area.
“I was really sorry to see that deal get away from our community and neighborhood,” said Harper. “It was a major error not to get those jobs.”
The handling of Strauss by the city of Milwaukee may cause other CEO’s both local and national to have second thoughts about building their business at Century City. That would be a tragedy.
The central city needs jobs and the community leaders and activists who were focused on halting an opportunity for jobs at Century City have yet to offer plans or a valid solution for the jobs it so desperately needs.