SMALL CLAIMS AMENDED SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT STATE OF WISCONSIN: CIRCUIT COURT: MANITOWOC COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION Case No. 2019SC775: Thomas D. Matthews Jr., 1560 W. Pierce Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212, Defendant. You are being sued for a claim in the small claims court for Manitowoc County, WI, Manitowoc County Courthouse, Small Claims, 1010 S. Eighth Street, Manitowoc, WI 54221. A hearing will be held at 1:30PM on 07/09/2019. If you do not appear, a court judgment may be given to the person/entity suing you. (A copy of the claim has been mailed to you at the address above.) Dated: June 12, 2019. ALICE F. SCHIPPER Plaintiff’s Attorney for Chizek Elevator & Transport, Inc., 2700 Vernon Drive, Suite 101, Green Bay, WI 54304, (920) 393-1311, State Bar No.: 1041486.