By Nyesha Stone

Former Milwaukee Alderman Michael McGee Jr.
Earlier this week, former Alderman Mike McGee Jr. and his attorney, William Sultan of GCW Lawyers, met at Hemp World Café, at 2225 N. Humboldt Ave. While there, they gave an update on McGee’s lawsuit case during a press conference.
About two years ago, McGee was “attacked” by the city of Milwaukee regarding his small business: Ifama Community Economics, LLC. According to McGee, the City ’s Health Department and the State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture revoked Ifama’s license unlawfully.
Ifama’s goal was to provide healthy food and resources to residents and ultimately change the health of the Milwaukee for the better. However, due to McGee’s past with the law, and his relationship with the City, he believes the “City doesn’t simply like me.”
According to McGee, due to this apparent dislike, his license was revoked because it didn’t abide to certain regulations, or so the City claimed.
Under the Constitution, small businesses must be given a fair opportunity to address any concerns, Williams said. McGee never received this chance, even though as Williams stated, small businesses have the right to appeal these types of decisions.
“They were wrong here,” Williams said about the City.
McGee said the City went to the state level to get his license revoked, so he sued both the State and the City. During his press conference, McGee said he won against the state and now he’s moving on to the city of Milwaukee.
He held this press conference to encourage other small business owners to “continue to fight those who are doing you wrong until the end.”
McGee also suggested getting an attorney who’s up for the challenge, and willing to fight against those with power.
“There are attorneys out there that will help you out,” McGee said.
He ended the press conference by telling current and future small business owners to document everything and keep the proof and to attain the correct licenses.
“If you’re going to into business,” McGee said. “You have to be legit.”