Legislatively Speaking
By Senator, Lena C. Taylor

Lena C. Taylor
An Assault on Democracy
• A Power Grab that sought to ultimately silence the people of Wisconsin
• Democracy Gangsters, if you will
• This is about the Separation of Powers
• Blatant retaliation, Republicans did not like that they didn’t win
• Republicans are fighting to hold control, and they do it at any cost
• Voter suppression, ballot tampering, photo ID, attacks on early voting and more
• We didn’t appreciate it when it was happening in North Carolina
• Now both Wisconsin and Michigan are experiencing power grabs by Republicans
Things done: Attorney General
• Grabbed control of money, by moving decision from the Attorney General to the legislature
• Gave themselves the ability to interfere in state related lawsuits, hire private attorney’s instead of using the AG
• Prevented Gov-Elect and AG from pulling Wisconsin out of the lawsuit against the ACA – something they both ran on
Things done: Governor
• Hamstringed his ability to control his cabinet picks, appointments to committees, councils
• Remove his power and influence over some agencies, like the state’s top job’s agency
• Changing makeup of the committee to dilute his power
• Expanded their power to block administrative rules the Gov puts in place
• They tried to change our elections for Supreme Court to protect a conservative judge, at a cost of $7 million dollars
It’s not over:
Lawsuits will likely ensue
People are talking about recalls and running candidates against these Republicans