By Ana Martinez-Ortiz

MPS Superintendent
Dr. Keith Posley
Earlier this year, the search was officially on for a new superintendent for Milwaukee Public Schools. Just this week, the MPS board announced Dr. Keith Posley as the new superintendent. Posey’s new position, was effective immediately.
Beginning in May, Posley had been announced as interim superintendent after Dr. Darienne Driver announced her decision to accept a position with United Way.
As interim superintendent, Posley made an effort to attend a plethora of events and to make his face known. For example, he spoke with Mayor Tom Barret to encourage students to apply for FAFSA and he attended the opening gallery night for the See Me Because exhibition.
According to the press release, at the beginning of the academic year, Posley turned his energies and focus towards the district classrooms and academic achievement. Through his efforts, he returned over $11 million worth of funding to the schools by reconstructing the budget. Additionally, he made sure that the MPS Central Services put their attention towards supporting schools and students.
So, when it came time to vote in a new superintendent it was no surprise that the board unanimously voted for Posley.
“I am excited and honored to continue my work as Superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools,” said Posley. “Nothing is more important than the academic success of our young people. I look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with the Milwaukee Board of School Directors, families, staff and all community friends of our students.”
According to his bio, Posley intends to focus on reading, writing and math in the MPS system. Known as the Five Priorities for Success, this program will hone in on certain areas in order to improve the aforementioned subjects.
The five priorities are as follows: to increase academic achievement and accountability, to improve district and school culture, to develop MPS staff, to ensure fiscal responsibility and transparency and to strengthen communication and collaboration.
Through these efforts, it’s believed that MPS can give students a strong foothold in reading, writing and math.
“I firmly believe each child must possess a strong knowledge base in these critical areas,” Posley said in his MPS bio.
Although, Posley is just starting out in his new position, he’s been a member of MPS for many years. He originally taught at the elementary school, Benjamin Franklin, in 1990. In 1999, he was the assistant principal at Forest Home Avenue Elementary School before becoming the principal of Clarke Street Elementary School.
While at Clark Street, Posley was named “one of eight exemplary principals,” by former President George W. Bush.
Before his current position, Posley served on the School Administration Officer in the position as chief.
During this time, he oversaw the MPS schools (all 160 of them).
With his impressive background, MPS is looking forward to Posley’s actions as superintendent.