By U.S. Senator
Tammy Baldwin

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin
On Monday, September 24—the first day of early voting in Milwaukee—I was joined by Lieutenant Governor candidate Mandela Barnes, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Alderman Cavalier Johnson to celebrate the first votes cast in the city for this election.
That’s right. There might be weeks until election day, but you can actually cast your vote today in Milwaukee.
Early voting is taking place right now at three locations across the city:
• Zeidler Municipal Building, 841 N. Broadway
• Midtown Center, 5700 W. Capitol Dr. (located west of Pick ‘n Save)
• Mitchell Street Library, 906 W. Historic Mitchell St.
Each location is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
And on Monday, October 15, even more early voting locations will open at the Zablocki Library on Oklahoma Ave., the Center Street Library on Fond du Lac Ave., the Mill Road Library on 76th St., the UWM Peck School of the Arts-Helene Zelazo Center on Kenwood Blvd. and at MATC for students there.
The best part is that voting is easy, and you can even register to vote right at these locations too.
All you need to do is bring your photo ID, and then you can cast your vote and make your voice heard.
But if you do have any questions about this voting process, go ahead and call the Voter Protection Hotline at (414) 998-0400.
When I was standing with Mandela, Tom and Cavalier, we discussed how important it is that everyone votes, and votes early, in Milwaukee.
They each know that the stakes are sky high for Milwaukee families this year.
For every Milwaukeean who needs affordable health care, for the over 2 million Wisconsinites with a pre-existing condition, for every Milwaukee family with a loved one battling cancer, or living in a nursing home or living with diabetes—this election is a stark choice.
I’m standing up to the big insurance companies by leading the fight to protect Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions and pushing for affordable health care for all Milwaukee families.
And my opponent, Leah Vukmir, is siding with insurance companies by pushing to repeal Obamacare, which would increase costs and gut pre-existing condition protections.
In fact, Leah Vukmir has doubled down on her plan to throw Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions back into the high-risk pools that had lifetime caps and sky-high costs.
So, for anyone in Milwaukee concerned about their health care, this choice is clear.
If my opponent, Leah Vukmir, had been in the U.S. Senate last summer, she would have been the deciding vote on taking people’s health care away.
What would happen to those families in need of affordable health care?
What would happen to the over 2 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions?
What would happen if Leah Vukmir put insurance companies back in charge of our health care and gut pre-existing condition protections?
We can’t let our loved ones—from our youngest to our most elderly—face those risks. It’s up to all of us to speak out, stand up and make our voices heard.
And the most powerful way to do that is to exercise the right that generations of Americans have fought and bled for—the fundamental right to vote.
So today, I urge you to cast your ballots and vote early in Milwaukee.
Bring your photo ID, and your friends and family.
Health care is on the ballot. A stronger Milwaukee is on the ballot. So be sure to cast your vote today.