By Nyesha Stone

Baldwin speaking to the community about the importance of her new campaign office. (Photo by Nyesha Stone)
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin opened the doors to her new campaign office right here in Milwaukee on March 3. Located on the north side at 5040 W. North Ave., this office will give Baldwin supporters a place to go that’s close to home.
Mayor Tom Barrett was in attendance along with special guest speaker Senator Cory Booker, who are both rooting for the reelection of Baldwin.
“We’ve got to get this senator reelected. That’s why we’re here,” said Barrett. “Baldwin is fighting for the middle class [and] we all need her reelected.”

Baldwin and Booker pose for a group picture with those in attendance. (Photo by Nyesha Stone)
There were over 40 people in attendance to show their support for Baldwin and they even chanted “Tammy! Tammy! Tammy!” at the end of the event, after taking a big group selfie.
Balloons, campaign signs and lots of happy faces filled the new office’s space.
Baldwin started off her speech with the topic of Milwaukee.
“We’re only strong when we work together. Milwaukee is a city with a rich history and promising future, but we know it’s so much we have to do,” said Baldwin. “We have to involve our friends and family in these elections ahead.”

Booker amping up the crowd with life stories. (Photo by Nyesha Stone)
Baldwin felt it was necessary to have an office in this area because she loves the history of Milwaukee, but, most importantly, she loves the people of the city.
“This a perfect opportunity to be in a neighborhood where volunteers can just walk right over and connect with the campaign,” said Baldwin.
After Baldwin’s quick but powerful speech, Booker came in with a huge smile and a ball of energy.
“She is one of the most threatening candidates there is. They don’t want her back there fighting,” said Booker. “[But,] the power of people is greater than people in power.”
The ceremony lasted less than an hour but the energy never died down. Everyone in attendance was there to see Baldwin and to show their city that they believe in her message.