By Nyesha Stone

Jordan hopes to be one of the few black-owned dealerships one day. (Photo by Justin Gordon)
Not everyone takes the same route through life. Some people want to be teachers while others want to be rappers. John Jordan Jr. spent his days in high school dreaming of opening a car wash or dealership with his friends, but those dreams seemed to disperse after graduation.
It’s been three years since Jordan graduated from Riverside High School and he’s keeping hope alive. Almost a year ago, on September 22, 2016, Jordan was hired as a car salesman at Russ Darrow. Initially he went in to be a greeter, but after talking with someone from Auto Job Experts he decided to strive for more.
The same day Jordan was hired he received the news that one of his longtime friends had passed away. This death changed Jordan’s outlook on life. He realized his deceased friend didn’t have much, but always made a way. Jordan began to understand how blessed he was and from that day on he knew he had to work harder and smarter in life.
Jordan is currently working on getting his wholesale license. This means he’ll be able to sell to dealerships and help those who can’t afford a car from a dealership. He has friends and family who have cars for sale cars on the street, and he knows with this license he’ll be able to help them earn more money, while giving someone a reliable and affordable car.

John Jordan Jr. is about selling an experience, not just a new set of wheels. (Photo by Justin Gordon)
Before he turns 30, he hopes to have his own lot right here in Milwaukee. Jordan said he doesn’t know of any black-owned successful car dealerships in Wisconsin, so he’s striving to change that.
“I’m a salesman and this is what I do,” said Jordan.
Jordan wants everyone to feel comfortable in his dealership. When one walks through his doors they will be greeted by a smile and a sense of happiness. His dealership will include a game room for the customers’ children, and possibly a barbershop for the fellas.
“It’s more than just a sale, it’s an experience,” said Jordan.
He doesn’t like the feeling of turning someone away because of credit. He knows not everyone can afford a luxurious car but that doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve a reliable car. Jordan also understands the role he plays in people’s lives. According to Jordan, cars are the second biggest investment for a person after attaining a house.
After spending a few months at Russ Darrow, Jordan moved his talents to Umansky Motor Cars where he currently works.
Jordan felt he wasn’t receiving the respect he deserved, and where there’s no respect it’s hard to grow. He is happy with his decision because he now has a team who believes in his talent and dreams.
They even surprised him with a camera. Jordan enjoys taking pictures of his clients after they’ve purchased their car to post on social media. This gives Jordan more exposure and it’s something unique that makes him stand out from other salesmen.
Jordan knows he has a lot more to learn, experience and do, but he knows his potential and what he wants out of life, so he keeps going.