“King Fest”
January 16, 2017
16th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Scholarship Writing Contest
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, was a man committed to peace, justice, and equality. In his quest for civil rights for all mankind, he emphasized the importance of determination to achieve freedom and human dignity.
His driving forces were love, the importance of family and self-respect
A lot has changed since the days of King’s peaceful protests, but the world still needs equality and peace. Think about how Martin Luther King Jr. might affect our society if he were alive today.
Contestants for the writing competition should focus their essay on the following:
What three main problems in our society do you think Dr. King would be trying to solve if he were alive today?
The writing contest is open to students in the 12th grade, who live in the City of Milwaukee, or are enrolled in a school, either public or private, within the City of Milwaukee. Monetary award, will be mail to the student after graduation and once he/she is officially enrolled (with class schedule) in the college, university or technical school of their choice by September, 23, 2017.
Writing must be neat and legible, and typed double space. The maximum length should not exceed 550 words. Essays will be disqualified, if word limitation is exceeded.
Entries will be judged on the basis of clearly expressed, creative ideas. In judging entries, emphasis will be placed on clarity, creativity, and originality. Correct usage of basic grammar and writing skills will also be considered.
Two scholarships for $500.00 will be awarded to the winners (male and female) at the Dr. King celebration, on Monday, January, 16, 2017, where the students will be presented with a certificate. You must be present to be acknowledged.
Each scholarship will be granted upon receiving a college schedule and a copy of an official transcript, no later than September 23, 2017. Please, mail all documents to the address to: 4458 North 40th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53209. A check in amount of $500.00 will be mailed and made payable to the scholarship recipient within (7) business days. Only the college student will be able to sign. Please, submit you current address and contact information with the required document.
Essay Delivery Information
All entries must be e-mailed by, Monday, January 8, 2017, online: janetteherrera@aol.com with ML King Contest in subject line\
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact,
Janette Herrera at: janetteherrera@aol.com or 414-828-1410.