Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs established the Dr. James G. White 6th District Difference Makers Awards to recognize those residents and organizations that work diligently to improve and strengthen the quality of life for themselves, their neighborhood and the City of Milwaukee .
She is now seeking nominations for the 2013 Dr. James G. White 6th District Difference Makers Award. Dr. White was a resident of the 6th District who served as a county supervisor and the regional vice president of WestCare Wisconsin Harambee Community Center, facilitating countless neighborhood projects and programs and always using his gifts, talents and knowledge to improve and empower his community.
Four awards will be presented to 6th District residents, one to a community organization and one to a block club, all of which have contributed to making their neighborhood a better place.
Nomination forms are available online at Alderwoman Coggs’s website (, or by calling the Alderwoman’s office at 286-2994 to receive a hard copy of the form by mail.
“The 6th District is composed of some of Milwaukee ‘s finest and most unique neighborhoods,” Alderwoman Coggs said.
“It is residents who strengthen the fabric of a neighborhood, and each resident has an opportunity to contribute.
But there are those who go above and beyond in their works and deeds to help others and the community in which they live, and they are the Difference Makers.”
Nominations for the Difference Makers Awards will be accepted from now through January 24th. Alderwoman Coggs will announce the honorees at the 6th District Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, January 29 at 5:30 p.m. in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, 310 W. Locust St.