Javier Ortiz of SDC Weatherization explains to Clarke Square Neighborhood residents how to maintain a furnace and save both money and energy.
The Residential Services Programs of the Social Development Commission partnered with the Clarke Square Neighborhood to present a variety of valuable resources to local residents.
A Weatherization and Lead Hazard Prevention Fair was held at Journey House for neighbors from that Southside area.
It offered demonstrations and workshops on topics such as furnace and water heater maintenance, lighting and energy savings tips, the House as a System, and the dangers of lead poisoning.
Organizations taking part in the fair in addition to SDC, Clarke Square Neighborhood and Journey House were the Southside Organizing Committee, La Casa de Esperanza and the 16th Street Health Clinic.
SDC has partnered with Clarke Square Neighborhood for several years to present the fair for area residents.
Dozens of residents attended this year’s free event.
To learn more about the SDC Residential Services programs including Weatherization, visit the agency website at www.cr-sdc.org/index/Programs–Services/VITA/Asset-Development/Weatherization.htm.