Potawatomi Bingo Casino employees helped transform the homes of four deserving Milwaukee area residents as part of National Rebuilding Day on Saturday, May 18.
Potawatomi Bingo Casino employees helped transform the homes of four deserving Milwaukee area residents as part of National Rebuilding Day on Saturday, May 18. In partnership with Rebuilding Together Greater Milwaukee, Forest County Potawatomi Foundation and Gilbane Building Co., about 70 casino employees and their families had the opportunity to volunteer their time to complete extensive repairs and rehabilitation work on their assigned homes.
“Helping people make their homes more livable, and, in some cases, assisting them in staying in those homes, is a rewarding experience,” said Kaye Garcia, executive director of the Forest County Potawatomi Foundation, which provided a $40,000 grant to Rebuilding Together Greater Milwaukee.
Potawatomi Bingo Casino employees worked on a wide variety of home repair projects including painting, landscaping, electrical work and general maintenance.
“It was a feel-good day and wonderful to know that something so little can make such a huge difference,” said Pamela Mahas, payroll supervisor. “My husband and I left with smiles on our faces and a warm spot in our hearts.”
As part of its social responsibility efforts, PBC participates in several volunteer opportunities each year. The partnership with Rebuilding Together Greater Milwaukee fits the tribe’s and Casino’s mission by focusing on revitalization and improving the living conditions of low income senior, veteran and disabled homeowners.
Nationwide, there were 200 other Rebuilding Together affiliates that participated in National Rebuilding Day.