Debora and Mark Carter enjoy a close moment at a daylong workshop put on by the SDC Healthy Relationship & Marriage Enhancement Program
Men and women looking to build a strong relationship spent a day sharpening their communication skills. More than three dozen couples took part in the program hosted by the Social Development Commission (SDC) Head Start Healthy Relationship and Marriage Enhancement Program “Snuggle to the Rhythm of Your Hearts” day.
The daylong event was held at the Marriot Courtyard hosted by the SDC program. The couples who had completed earlier coursework through the program learned how to better communicate with each other as well as listening skills. The focus of the day was to help the couple to strengthen and bring back to fire to their relationships.

Drummer Tom Gill leads an exercise in non-verbal communications for couples at a workshop coordinated by the SDC Healthy Relationship & Marriage Enhancement Program
One exercise involved playing drums and other instruments as a way to build non-verbal communication skills with their partner and to bond with and support other couples. The workshop was held by Tom Gill of Unity Enterprises and was received enthusiastically by the participating couples.
The daylong program was part of efforts by the SDC Healthy Relationship and Marriage Enhancement Program to build stronger relationships which will, in turn, build stronger families and strong communities. For more information on the next series of classes for couples, for men or for women, call Tondalayo (Davis) Hall at 414-906-2728, Kristin Mauk at 414-906-2762 or Richard Johnson at 414- 906-2759.
Information on the program can be obtained by visiting the SDC website at www.cr-sdc.org, clicking on the “Programs” page and then on the link for “Healthy Relationships and Marriage Enhancement”.