Lakita Murchison (right) explains to an Energy Assistance client how to use low-energy light bulbs to reduce home energy costs.
A Milwaukee resident is showing how determination and faith along with some help can change a life.
Lakita Murchison found herself this time last year at a homeless shelter. She and her family were struggling to keep their lives together. That was when Lakita, who lacked a high school diploma, enrolled in the Social Development Commission’s (SDC) GED/ HSED program. She started attending classes and with encouragement from her family and friends, successfully completed the coursework, graduating last December.
After receiving her diploma, Lakita was referred to SDC’s BEST or Boosting Employability and Soft Skills Training Program. There she started to gain work skills. She also landed a job at SDC’s Energy Assistance Call Center and began working with clients to inform them about steps they can take to lower home energy costs. She also helps distribute low-energy light bulbs to the residents to use in their homes. Through her experience working with Energy Assistance, Lakita says she has discovered she enjoys customer service work and plans to pursue a career in that field.
Lakita says her experience in the past year has restored her faith in her ability to realize her dreams for herself and her family and given her the tools to succeed. One skill she says that she learned through the BEST program that has especially helped her is to plan out the steps needed to get to her goals and then to patiently pursue them. That, she says, has helped her become a positive role model for her children and gives her hope for their futures as well.
To learn more about the SDC BEST Program, go to the SDC website at www.cr-sdc.org, click on the “Programs” page and then on the link for BEST or call 414-906-2796.