The Roundy’s Foundation awarded more than $45,000 in grants to three Milwaukee organizations this week. The donations took place at two separate events. Nearly $35,000 were given out at a special event at Roundy’s Home office. Then a team of Roundy’s employees headed over to Hope House of Milwaukee to help unload nearly 8,000 pounds of food. The following three organizations received donations; Central City Churches Outreach Ministry received $4,900, Hope House of Milwaukee received $5,000 & 7,800 pounds of food valued at $10, 295, and the Sojourner Family Peace Center received $25,000. Pictured above are; Roundy’s Foundation Board Members, Flamont Butler (Far left) and Jane Voichick (far right), presenting a check to Hope House: Jamal Gipson and Ken Schmidt. (Photo provided by Roundy’s Foundation)