Northcott Neighborhood House Inc. presented two finished houses last week, built by the organization’s YouthBuild Team. The houses are located at 2601 and 2606 West Cherry Street. With the completion of the houses, they were placed on the market to sell. Representing the sale of the homes is Ogden Realty broker/agent Paul Henningsen.
The project serves as the first phase of a program that trains young minority men and women with the skills and education involved with all phases of the building process.
“These are skills that our team will be able to take with them, and continue to advance with the art of building and overall construction” stated McArthur Weddle, executive director of Northcott.
Numerous agencies worked together to secure funds to make this project a reality. Alderman Robert J. Bauman along with Alderman Willie Wade were a big part of the project, along with WHEDA, CDGA, Operation Fresh Start, City of Milwaukee Dept. of Administration, all of these organizations worked with Northcott to make this project a reality.