By Irene Weiser, executive director (Oconto Falls, WI) Recently, an Oconto County family court judge sentenced a mother to jail because she was unable to force her daughter … [Read more...]
Placebos of Black Political Power
By Ezrah Aharone The election of President Barack Obama is shifting America’s axis of race in ways that have yet to be politically quantified. But from a standpoint of Black political leadership, … [Read more...]
State takes over, fumbles FoodShare Program
Milwaukee County supervisors Joe Sanfelippo and Elizabeth M. Coggs released the following statement regarding the FoodShare program in Milwaukee County: “One year ago, during the 2009 County Budget … [Read more...]
Here’s the Formula. What’s the Solution?
November 2009 Column By Don Sykes, President/CEO of Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board Let’s start with what we already know: Like many other major cities, Milwaukee … [Read more...]
Legislatively Speaking
By Senator Lena Taylor KRM: Legislature votes to create new transportation package For too long the issue of transit has not been adequately addressed. On May 1, 2009 my colleagues in the state … [Read more...]
Show us the money
By Henry Hamilton III The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is designed to improve employment, grow the economy, and strengthen the nation's infrastructure. Wisconsin's share of the 787 … [Read more...]