Letter to the editor: As we scurry about looking for that perfect Father’s Day gift and card for dad, we sometimes see cards with depictions of dad with a pipe in his mouth, looking happy and … [Read more...]
Sixth Senate District Candidate Forum set
Two community agencies partner to host legislative forum The Wisconsin African American Tobacco Prevention Network (WAATPN) is partnering with the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce to host a … [Read more...]
Wisconsin African American Tobacco Prevention Network team up with Milwaukee youth to fight tobacco use in honor of National Kick Butts Day
Youth-led advocacy day is nationally coordinated by Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Milwaukee youth last week joined thousands of kids across the country who took part in Kick Butts Day, a … [Read more...]
Tobacco is NOT an equal opportunity addictor OR killer
By Lorraine Lathen Tobacco related disparities are no accident. Armed with targeted marketing strategies, cigarettes and a whole line of addictive OTPs (other tobacco products), the tobacco … [Read more...]
Youth access to tobacco products in the City of Milwaukee on the rise
The Wisconsin African American Tobacco Prevention Network and the City of Milwaukee Tobacco-Free Alliance joined forces with the community to conduct compliance checks across five police … [Read more...]