By Charlene Crowell (Deputy Communications Director, Center for Responsible Lending) The late Langston Hughes created a masterful body of poetry in the 20th Century that spoke about and to … [Read more...]
Let Us Show You The Way To Home Ownership at Associated Bank
Affordable Home Loan Options at Johnson Bank
Affordable Home Loan Options at Johnson Bank
Affordable Home Loan Options at Johnson Bank
PyraMax Bank Pledge $1 Million in Foreclosed Rehab Lending for Harambee Neighborhood
By Dylan Deprey While taking a drive down Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, the numerous amounts of opportunity that line the Harambee neighborhood are simply sitting behind boarded windows and … [Read more...]
What's Happening In MadisonArticles Courtesy of The Madison Times Weekly
To Be or Not to Be…A Homeowner, That Is
By Angela Fitzgerald One of the most difficult transitions for me has been becoming a full-fledged adult, as the numerous decisions, responsibilities, and expectations can be overwhelming. I’m … [Read more...]
Rent or Own: Which is Your American Dream?
By Karen Stokes Homeownership has widely been known as part of the American dream. There comes a time when adults need to make one of the biggest financial decisions of their life: whether to … [Read more...]
ACTS Housing awarded contract with City of Milwaukee to provide home ownership counseling
ACTS Housing was recently awarded a one year contract with the City of Milwaukee for up to $50,000 to provide home ownership counseling services to tenants of tax foreclosed properties. “ACTS … [Read more...]
Achieve dream of homeownership with help from United Way
Marisa, Allen and their three children have been living in their home on Milwaukee ’s north side since 2006. They were one of the first families to successfully save for and buy a home through … [Read more...]