Sponsored By JPMorgan Chase Filing taxes is an exercise almost all Americans go through in the first part of each year, but those tax filings can differ based on a number of factors, including our … [Read more...]
These Tax Tips Can Make Filing (1040) EZ
With tax day approaching, there’s no time like the present to get started on your 2022 returns and submit them well before the April 18 deadline. This year, you have a few extra days to complete … [Read more...]
Important Things to Know Before the Tax Deadline
By Ethan James Duran The nation’s tax deadline this year is on April 17th, which is only less than two weeks away. With the deadline hurtling towards us, it’s best to know the facts on … [Read more...]
VITA Program Begins Free Tax Preparation
MILWAUKEE, Wis. – January 2016 – The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program will provide free preparation of state and federal taxes by a Milwaukee organization on Tuesday, December 19. The … [Read more...]
$31,000 Grant Awarded to SDC’s VITA Program by United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
MILWAUKEE—January 2016—The Social Development Commission (SDC) received a $31,000 grant from the United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) … [Read more...]
Free tax preparation begins service
The preparation of state and federal taxes by a Milwaukee organization has begun helping the public for another tax season. The Milwaukee Asset Building Coalition and the Social Development … [Read more...]
Free Help with tax returns offered at MATC’s Downtown Milwaukee and Oak Creek Campuses
Taxpayers with a family income of $52,000 or less are eligible for free help preparing their basic personal income tax returns at Milwaukee Area Technical College’s Downtown Milwaukee Campus, 700 W. … [Read more...]
IRS plans Jan. 30 tax season opening for 1040 filers
WASHINGTON — Following the January tax law changes made by Congress under the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA), the Internal Revenue Service announced today it plans to open the 2013 filing season … [Read more...]
Ten reasons why you should become a trained and certified tax volunteer
IRS Summertime Tax Tip 2012-23 The Internal Revenue Service is seeking community volunteers to provide free tax help to qualified individuals during the tax filing season. Managed by the IRS, the … [Read more...]
On Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day, IRS and partners launch outreach campaign to low and moderate income workers
The Internal Revenue Service and community partners nationwide today launched their annual outreach campaign aimed at helping millions of Americans who earned $49,078 or less take advantage of the … [Read more...]