® The relatively few existing Black American economists focus largely on inequality (stratification) issues. We realize that in-equality in employment and income are not our primary … [Read more...]
Should We Believe the NYT on Reading Education?® We begin this brief essay with Table 1 from the US Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Table 1 tracks average 4th grade reading … [Read more...]
Open Letter to Black Americans Concerning the Media On March 10, 2023, released its first media-related open letter: “Open Letter to HBCU Law School Deans: Reparations for Black American Defamation.” The letter … [Read more...]
A GD Saturday Can Kickstart Reparations® Black Americans, who believe that Repara-tions are due, know that there are numerous efforts afoot to secure Reparations in one form or another. Presumably, we can agree that a … [Read more...]
South Asian Immigration: Implications for Black America® In “Welcoming Black South Asians into the Black World,” highlighted possible benefits of a favorable relationship between Black Americans, other Black people of … [Read more...]
Cleaning Our Way to Black Liberation® Without a moralizing intent, we share the following travel incident. We were in Kyoto, Japan in March 2009 attending an academic conference. Each morning, while walking to the … [Read more...]
Don’t Ask the Wrong Question about Raising the FDC® As the US hurtles toward a GO - NOGO decision on lifting the Federal Debt Ceiling (FDC), the question on everyone’s mind is: Will the ceiling be lifted? One might argue that this … [Read more...]
Frogs: Reaching a Deadly Boiling Point Via Chilling Realities®' In numerous cultural traditions, frogs symbolize fertility, rebirth, potential, change/transformation, purity, prosperity, good luck, uncleanliness, and … [Read more...]
Making Discriminators Pay® Economists have diverse opinions about economic theories that seek to explain racial discrimination. Even so, there is no doubt that official U.S. statistics confirm the … [Read more...]
Economics Before Education?® At the outset of certain lectures, we have enquired of the audience: “What is the most important ‘thing’ in the universe?” While we have received a multiplicity of answers, we … [Read more...]