By LaKeshia N. Myers

Representative LaKeshia Myers
Dear Constituents of the Twelfth Assembly District,
It has been a most honorable pleasure serving you for the past six years as your State Representative. Together, we made the district better. Through investments in business, community partnerships, and expanded educational outcomes, the 12th district today, has a spirit of ingenuity that is certain to ensure a solid future.
As I end my legislative service, I do so with the understanding that my responsibility as a public servant is far from over. While my time in the state capitol has come to an end, my commitment and dedication to improving the lives of Milwaukeeans specifically, and Wisconsinites in general will continue. I encourage you to continue reading my weekly columns published in the Milwaukee Courier to remain informed about legislative and community actions and opportunities. I remain committed to investing in the community through my work with local civic and service organizations.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your State Representative. I look forward to continuing to move the district and our state Forward.
Rep. LaKeshia N. Myers