By LaKeshia N. Myers

Representative LaKeshia Myers
Dear America, you’ve got to stop this foolishness. Banning books that tell the stories of Americans is just silly, plain and simple. By banning the stories of the enslaved, religiously persecuted, interred, or otherwise mistreated, you fail to teach the true history of this country and all her ugly truths. It has not been a cakewalk since 1776 and each stripe on the flag bears the blood of people who by any means necessary fought to be called one thing—American.
By banning books that tell anything other than the whitewashed story of our great founding fathers and the intrinsic goodness of our country, you do yourselves and your children a great disservice. Banning books is erasure of diversity, it is anti-inclusive and projects Americana as a culture that is both fictional and white. You know better, so do better.